Wednesday, June 25, 2014

When the Will to Go Needs the Will to Stay

It’s been a long time since I’ve written. A couple months actually. Time goes by so quickly sometimes and I wonder how. How have I not taken just an hour to sit and write? How can months go by without me putting to pen what burdens my heart?

I may not have been writing, but I’ve been thinking. Processing. Growing. The truth is, it’s been a hard a couple months and I’m ready to share some of it with you.

Do you ever wonder why you are here in this particular generation? Why God chose you to be on earth for this time? What is your role in your family, people circles, job, church, community, world? I have. I’ve been wondering that a lot lately. Not because I don’t think I have purpose, but because I know I do, I know we all do, and I desperately want us to be living out that purpose. I don’t think there’s a soul out there that doesn’t desire to feel valued and know that their life is intentionally designed for an intentional purpose. The difficulty can come in understanding what that looks like.

And so I process. I bring it before God. I ask the hard questions and listen. But what are we to do when we are answered with (what feels like) silence? This is my wrestling.
I recently read (most) of Restless by Jennie Allen in which she encourages her readers to take the quest of finding their calling by digging into their passions, their past, their dreams and their hurts. There’s homework involved that walks the reader through how to do this-uncover our unique gifts and what God is calling us to do with them. This book has been timely because it has been just in the last year that God opened my eyes to see clearly a great calling He has on my life. This book affirmed much of that and awakened me to dig deeper and see fuller, richer, life-giving things about how I am made and how God has worked together my past to use it for the future; for His purpose. After reading the book I was ready to go! I mean seriously, my horse was saddled and I was like, “let’s lunge forward with two feet in God! I’m ready! I get it. Let’s roll!” I was pumped and excited and ready to take on all the things He had laid before.

And then He pulled back.

Rest and retreat my daughter. Rest and retreat.”

Not exactly what I was expecting. Six months ago He burdened my heart that our family theme for the summer would be rest and retreat but after all the excitement of this new direction He was leading me I figured maybe I had heard Him wrong at worst OR He would tie the two together at best. In the deepest parts of my soul, I wasn’t surprised-I saw it coming. Even still, summer came and He pulled back the reigns and here I’ve been sitting wondering why. Wrestling with what in world He is trying to teach me. Why would He get me so excited for the things He was laying out and then ask me to pull back and not live any of it out. At least not right now.

I’ve felt burdened, confused, frusterated, desperate to understand, even depressed at times. All the while I’ve known His plans are always to bring himself glory and this time is not wasted. I just don’t always like the quiet, growing seasons. I also tend to want to have the growth overnight, being full of wisdom without the patience to grow into it. Jake often reminds me that it doesn’t work that way. He usually says something like this… “Honey, today He is preparing you for what He has for tomorrow. And tomorrow He will prepare you for what He has for the next day. You can’t skip any of those days or you won’t be ready for what’s in store. You have to stop expecting to be a 100 year old oak tree overnight. Learn to love the process of growth.” What a wise man I marriedJ He’s right and I know it and I find comfort it in, even if it’s hard to swallow.

I’m starting to come up for air and my processing is bearing fruit in the way of being able to put to words the things God is teaching me. One of those things is that when I don’t know what the future holds, I need to focus on what I do know. When worry and doubt and anxiety and fear threaten to take over, we must choose to speak life into our own souls through the truth of God and the practice of reminding ourselves of what we do know to be true.
These are some of those things for me right now…

I know that right now God has us planted in this town and He desires us to bloom here.
I know that God rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).
I know when the time comes He will do a new thing, prepare a way in the wilderness (Isaiah 43:19).
I know that I am a stay-at-home mom in a season of little ones and that is Kingdom work.
I know that His plans are always for good (Jeremiah 29:11).
I know that I am a nanny for my precious niece for the summer and I have the honor and weight of showing her Jesus daily.
I know that my husband is employed at his current job and God has intention in that.
I know that I am surrounded with wounded women that need the message of hope and love.

Oh I am seeing the danger in not finding joy and contentment in my present place. I can easily spin myself in circles until I feel discontent and unfilled which leaves me searching and questioning and just plain weary. I’ve come to believe that one of Satan’s most potent tools is distraction. He’ll use whatever he can to take our eyes off of God and put them on ourselves and the world around us. I’m sure you can already see how I have battled this recently. I desire so much to walk in the will of God and His calling for my life that in all of my searching and questioning I have taken my eyes off the place that God has me right now and the work that is right before my eyes.

A willing heart to go has to be just as willing to stay or the will can distract from the purpose. Try reading that again and allow yourself to process what that means.

I'm finding that the more I focus on where He has me, the more at peace I am. I’m still excited and willing to go to the places I know He’s called me. I’m still dreaming big with Him and tuning my ear to His voice so that when He tells me to move, I move. But for now, I am praying that I live intentionally in the present. Loving and serving the people God has placed in front of me. A very wise woman from church recently told me that we don’t need to go looking for hurting people, we need to love the ones God has placed in front of us.

There’s one more thought I want to share with you. In all my wrestling I realized that I’ve feared if I wasn’t walking out the new calling He’s revealed to me then I was doing insignificant work and not doing enough for His Kingdom. I heard the lovely Beth Moore speak at a conference recently and she said something that struck me. She said, “It’s never enough. We can never reach too many people with the gospel. We can never show love to too many hurting people because God’s work isn’t finished until every person on earth has heard the gospel or Jesus comes back.” I urge you, and me, to never let the devil convince us that our gifts, our current places, our dreams, our people circles are ever too small or insignificant. God’s work in us is vital and His work through is intentional whether you are in a season of rest and retreat or a season of “GO!” It matters. We are reaching people, touching lives, doing the good work in all seasons of our life. That is a beauty of the way our great God works. There are times He may pull back on certain areas of our lives that seem big and important because He has bigger more important work to do in the quiet, still places of our souls. But don’t be fooled, even in those quiet seasons, He is doing a mighty work.  

Blessings abundantly,


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