The day has come! Voices around the world are singing with joy as the pages are shared and the hearts are encouraged and the words are cherished. Finally! I get to share with you what has been one of the best-kept-secrets this year.
The book.
For the Love by Jen Hatmaker
Released August 18, 2015
{A review of sorts}
Truly a book of the century. One that will feel like breathe to weary lungs and laughter galore to a comics itch for funny. She does it somehow - the whole humor, Jesus, grace thing. It is her calling and it is clearly passioned in the words of this anthem book.

With an un-bashful honesty, Jen will make you laugh and cry from the first chapter to the last. You’ll refer to her as your BFF before you reach the second section of the book (which by the way is titled “All The people Who Live in Your House.” Hilarious and heart-warming.) And with chapter titles like “On Calling and Haitian Moms”, “Fashion Concerns”, “Thank-You Notes”, “Surving School”, and “Dear Christians, Please Stop Being Crappy”, …YOU’LL FALL IN LOVE!
If you are a mom, single, career-woman, homemaker, baker, sales-woman, circus performer, librarian, doctor, or just a woman in general, you will not be able to put this book down. Not only because it is that good but because it is that needed. You will relate with her message and be elated with a soul-sister who “gets it”.
Simply put, our generation needs this book. Don’t miss out. You’ll be so thankful you bought it.
{Personal reflection}

But only with love as our well-worn harness.
I simply said:
"I love Jesus.
I love writing and reading.
I love Jen Hatmaker. "
(or something along those lines)
We bonded and we changed.
A vision come to life.
A movement begun.
If ever I have been a part of something beautiful, mysterious, and world-rocking, this is high on the list. I am ever so grateful.
So when I sing the praises of this gem, look upon my words as fiercely honest and wholly true. You may get a glimpse of the glory-community we were meant to live. And I believe you will never be the same.
Thank you Jen. For you are changing the world.
Be you.
Be kind.
Love Jesus.
-Jen Hatmaker
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