Whether we know to admit it or not, we’ve all been left suddenly standing with a bare-naked heart, at some point. And if we’re being really honest, we’ll admit that it happens often.
Those who fear being exposed, have never felt the freedom of standing naked in front of God. Author Amber C Haines pens these words in her book, Wild in the Hollow. “…I don’t have trouble coming back to the idea of nakedness before him, about being exposed and the desire to be completely known. As with Adam and Eve in the garden, I am most free when I am walking unashamed, unafraid, and wide open.” Oh how her heart-words speak the echo of my own.
It’s these defining moments that remind us that we are not immortal and life will press into us exposing the dripping sap that lies within our hearts. The one that reveals what has taken root in the depth of us.
Left standing exposed like a tall golden dandelion in a corn field, we are left to decide how to respond to the unexpected. When we feel bare-naked with the world watching every motion of breath surging through our bodies, how will we navigate?
One of my favorite places on earth lies along the rocky shore of Lake Superior in the deep, northern woods of Minnesota. When I perch on the towering rocks near the water, I am ever aware of the danger that lies before me. Should I fall into the ice-cold waves that sound so beautiful crashing along the beach, my earthly body would likely fail very quickly. It’s temperature would cause hypothermia quicker than breathe could be exhaled. But still, there is a surging desire in me to jump into those deep blue waves that sing softly as they bore their strength with pride. I know though, that it would only cause pain. So I sit near and choose to inhale the intoxicating treasure that takes over my senses. I enjoy the peace of it. I choose to rest upon the shores and let the waves do the work while I soak in the serenity. I have to fight the urge for impulse at wading those waters. I have to be careful not to get too distracted or I’ll fall into that which I was only mean to glean from.
In our moments of un-rest and un-peace, when we feel most unearthed, we are invited to sway to the sound of our saviors soothing song instead of rushing ahead to replace him with hastiness and phony holiness. He desires us to nestle our heavy bags that load us heavy with worry and discomfort under the strength of his will. Knowing with the full truth that only God can receive our bags and return them weightless.
And isn't that what a soul really needs? A weightless load?
Because even in our strength, we were made frail. Dependent on the strength found in the dead center of our makers form; his heart. His Fathers heart which spills fresh love and mercy upon us each dawn-break.
Taking in hand the Word of truth will always be our only source of relief from all that weighs us. The truth that his burden is light, his love is big, his grace is enough - that's what our soul really longs to know.
As David finds protection for his whole life in the lions den so we find protection from our exposure in the den of truth and love. So let us grab hold of that leather-bound-beauty Word and soak in the words. Put down the tech-screen that distracts and find our soul-food in the words that screen out the mess that entangles us. Only God can filter the seaweed on the shores of our soul. Only he can invite us to perch upon the rock eternal and breathe in the gift that his waves gift our senses. This of hope. Life. Freedom. Safety.

Just as a baby burrows into his mothers breast to be soothed by the heartbeat of his life-giver, so we can burrow into our Father’s will, trusting that his strength is our life-giver. Breathe in the whisper of his words, his truth, and allow life to be given as you sit upon the shores of his plan. Trusting that standing naked and known is a wonder-beauty to behold.
Going Deeper
Consider reflecting on these questions:
1. What makes you feel exposed and vulnerable?
2. What does it look like to trust God in that area?
3. Choose one trusted friend to pray with you over this area.
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