How does one dress for
the funeral of their child? How can a parent’s soul bear the weight?
As if the hair, the clothes, the shoes really matter when
your perfect babe lay lying in a tiny casket. How do you walk into the
bathroom, stare into the mirror and see anything put sorrow.
You walk in broken,
you walk out broken.
There is no wholeness that is given from the vanity in the
room of self-care. There is no freedom lent when the tie is tied and the hair
is swept up. There is no return of your child just because you've readied your
body to bury the body of your sweet one.
If the heart can break into a million pieces, today yours is in ten
million pieces. And it’s only just begun to break…

Loved ones file in to the church bringing their gift of hugs
and words of love. Children run innocently through the isles unaware of the
grief running through the hearts and minds of the adults. You stare at the momentous
wishing it wasn’t so. Those pictures can’t be of your child. Those poems haven’t been written for your child. Your heart files the memories of this week and it labels them strangely.
The days and hours blur together and you forget the details of the happenings
but the memories of your baby your heart does not forget. They are clearly
filed away into the deepest places of your raw soul that only you can access. There they will stay forever.
Grief. It’s a strange
thing how we can smile and cry at the same time, over the same memory.
But then…you remember…Hope. As your face is turned
downward and your heart screams from the ache, your soul breaks free. With an overflowing sweetness, as
honey suckle comforts a crying babe, so HOPE
comforts your bare heart.
And you become full.
You stand in the mirror not to dress your broken body but to
dress and honor the body that carried your baby for months and then with a
heroic act of labor-love gave the gift of being born into a world that would
never be the same because of what was given that day. That mirror does not stare back with emptiness but with a
promise. A promise that those bags under your eyes are evidence of the worth of
your child. Your red eyes have flowed freely with the liquid love of that babe so
precious. Oh that liquid love. It could save a lost soul or touch a weary heart.
And you have given your child the gift of shedding pounds of liquid

There is no barren soul. For we can all experience the supernatural
gift of the birth of hope and beauty from sorrow.
As you cover your body, you are uncovering for the world
what it looks like to face the ultimate sorrow with hope resonating so deeply
and freely that no dirt can bury that which is meant to be freely given.
As the grave could not
hold our Savior so the darkest of sorrow cannot contain the hope of our Savior.
As you cling to the resurrection power so you display the resurrected message that
It Is Well with Your Soul. And you
uncover that message with great bravery and delight because it is what you
cling to as you dress your body to bury your child’s earthly body laid bare in a
love-box to be covered by the earths glorious surface.
It is well with your
As you sprinkle dirt upon the grave site of your child, you
are uncovering for the world what the mystery of love looks like. The mystery
of love that all search for but struggle to find. You are love incarnate. You are hope personified. Your baby has
given the world the greatest gift – love. He has given space for the heavens to
open and allow the rays of hope to shower down, even upon the darkest of
earthly sorrows. Your baby has been the vessel of uncovering that which we need
to uncover even if it is through the deepest of pain.
Just as a ship sees the beacon of light from a lighthouse best on the
darkest of nights, so searching souls sees the light of hope and love while
watching the lighthouse, you, during your darkest of nights.
So dress yourself sweet woman. Prepare your clothes and your
hair and your makeup. Give way to even the slightest of desire to look your
best. Because today, oh today…
Today you honor the
life of your child that gives hope to the world.
Today you dress
yourself to uncover the truth that It Is
Well with Your Soul.
Today your physical
body gives physical evidence to the spiritual hope we have in Jesus.
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