Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I see you. The one who doesn't feel thankful this Thanksgiving...

I see you. Yeah, you. The one that loathes this time of year because everyone around you is brimming with thankfulness and it feels like you just don’t have much to be thankful for. You know you are supposed to feel thankful, but your feelings and circumstances tell you otherwise.

I get it. I get you.

You who wakes up early every morning just to get ready to go to a job you don’t like so that you can earn a small paycheck to spend on bills you wish you didn’t have. You are seen...

You who feels trapped in a relationship that drains you to the point where you aren’t sure who you really are anymore. You are seen...

You single mom who is raising her kids alone because the father refuses, or is not capable of, being a father to them. You are seen...

You who feels lonely, longing for others to love you for who you are. You are seen...

You that feels the deep ache of loss. Knowing you would give anything to fill that empty chair around the Thanksgiving table this year. Your loss is ripping your soul into pieces. You are seen...

You that has everything, and nothing. From the outside you have a picture-perfect life. But inside, you feel dead and unfulfilled. You are seen...

You who wonders if there is really even a God that loves you. Because if there was, you wonder why he isn’t rescuing you. You are seen...

You that spends countless hours at church-serving, serving, serving. You are weary and tired. Hoping that one day you will actually get to experience the deep joy we read about in the Bible. You are seen...

You who has no "good" reason not to have a thankful heart. You are seen...

I validate how you feel with full compassion and love. I extend to you a hug from across the screen and an open ear to hear every word that is trapped inside you. This comes from a place of deep apathy, because I have been there. 

**If that's all you needed to hear...the reminder that you are seen and loved, then feel free to stop reading and relish in that because it.is.true. And I get that sometimes we just need to be reminded of that. **

But if you are hungry for more and you desire to move past where you are at and need to consider how you might do that, keep reading as I share a few quick thoughts with you.

Psalm 139 reminds us of the intimate way God formed us and knows us. He sees your struggle to be thankful and He loves you the same. He sees your struggle to be thankful and He is near you just the same. In Verse 18 we read this..."When I awake, I am still with you." It's easy for us to think we need to earn His love, affection and nearness. Let this Scripture put your heart at ease that you don't need to reach a certain level of thankfulness in order to be near to Him. He is already near to you. In James 4 we read that if we come close to God, He will come close to us. Likewise, in Deuteronomy 31:8 He says, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." This was said at a crucial moment for the Israelites. It was an uncertain time with a huge task ahead and still the promise was spoken that God would not leave them. If you are wrestling with an unthankful heart today, don't think you are wrestling alone. Do not be discouraged. God sees your future and He promises never to leave you or forsake you. 

This morning I listened to a message from Beth Moore in which she said, “Whether you know Jesus as your personal Savior or not, He knows you.” So let me extend that truth to you. God made you in His image, and He sees you. He delights in you. He is not afraid of the dark places in your heart and He can handle every word you want to say to Him. He is stronger than you could ever imagine and more loving than you could ever hope. If you want to allow some light to shine through the cracks of you, might I suggest you start right where you are at, right now. Nothing fancy. No need to have the right words to say, candle lit or Bible verses memorized. Just tell the God who hears every word and holds every tear. Tell him how you feel. Not what you think you should say. Don’t hold back. He can more than handle it. Tell him why you don’t feel thankful. Open your heart to vulnerability in the only true safe-space you will ever have…tell God why you are struggling this Thanksgiving.

Now, once you’ve gotten every nitty-gritty word out, would you trust Him enough to hold those words carefully in His hands, trust Him enough to not return your vulnerable offering void. If it is a thankful, full heart you desire, then will you be willing to ask Him to show you how to be thankful-trusting Him to actually do it. Remembering, God works differently than we do. Your thankful heart may come in a form you did not expect, but when God is the gift-giver of thankfulness, it will more than satisfy you.  

And if at the end of the day, your word-offerings, and prayers have been laid out, and all you can do is barely muster out a broken, thank-you, I want you to know that it counts. God will hold that thank-you close to His heart, because He holds the broken-you close to His heart. I believe He would rather have one whispered, broken thank you, than a thousand superficial, fabricated thank you’s screamed from the roof tops.

And just in case you need one more piece of good news, I am praying dear one, that God would take your mere offering and multiply it. That one day, you will be overflowing with thanksgiving. Because the thing about being thankful is that it’s something we practice. Jesus was the perfect example of this. He practiced a heart of thanksgiving, even right before He went to suffer on the cross of crucifixion. We can learn from this, that it takes an effort, it takes intention. But one thing I know for sure, is that once we begin and we allow Him to work through thankfulness, it will multiply and morph into a new way of living, regardless of our circumstances.

Thanking God for you, my friend. 

Your friend,


If you connect with music, take a listen and be encouraged...I Am Not Alone by Kari Jobe

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