If you've done any remodeling then you know that redecorating often comes with the territory. A little over a year ago I started allowing room in my schedule for doing just that. Most of my decorating projects involve painting, staining and a little crafting-all of which require me to use some "non-mom" brain space. In other words, I get to use the creative, artistic side of me. The one that would easily hides itself underneath layers of housework and mom duty and to-do lists if I didn't choose to set aside time to "create."
Just a few weeks ago, while strolling up and down every isle at the local farmers market, I had my eyes scanning each vendor's small space looking for that one special item I just couldn't live without. We turned a corner and once again I began looking carefully through the treasures laid out on the acres of green, lush grass. At first glance I didn't see anything special from this man's sale but then out of the corner of my eye I spotted a worn out, time stamped stool sitting alone on the corner of his lot. I walked up to it and without skipping a beat I asked my husband if he was okay with me purchasing this item. He must have saw that familiar twinkle in my eye because he looked at me with a soft, knowing smile and gave his blessing. After making an offer, I loaded it in our wagon and she was all mine. Although I saw potential in this stool, I knew it needed some serious tlc. So I perused the internet for inspiration and just today, during my kids naptime, I was able to bring my vision to life.
Here it is all painted and prettied...
At first glance, it looks really cute doesn't it? Take a closer look at the photo below...
I imagine you can see the obvious flaws now. In fact, it's down right messy and sloppy in some areas. I was so careful when placing my design on top of the stool and I focused really hard on painting lightly and using only a thin coat so it wouldn't smear. Clearly I didn't do as good of a job as I thought I did because when I peeled back the stencil I was so disappointed to see the sloppy letters and numbers. I thought about starting over and trying to clean it up, making crisp lines instead of the blurred, semi-ugly ones that are pictured above. Then at least no one would ever know how I messed it up. But before I could even reach for my paint brush I felt God say in my spirit, "Sweet daughter, don't paint over it just to hide the flaws, love it for it's messiness and take joy in what you've created".

"God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling". I don't know who wrote that but it has recently become one of my favorite new quotes. I think I like it so much because it reminds us that nothing is wasted. When we mess up, when we hurt, when we are feeling undone and stripped down....He uses it. He doesn't paint over the imperfections, He allows them to shine just as an artist would.
My cute little stool is sitting in my entryway right now. It's placed on top of the silver-toned tiles that are laying loose, waiting to be glued down. I'm anticipating quite a few more hours of work in our entryway and I'm looking forward to seeing my little stool proudly placed right where it needs to be-in my line of vision as a reminder to love the imperfections.
With love for you and all of your messiness,
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