I'd like to tell you where I stand on it, for what it's worth.
I went to see the movie. In fact, I pre-purchased tickets for myself, my husband, my sister and my brother-in-law. Let me just get it out there, I thought it was an awesome movie and well worth seeing. Here's why...
We walked into the dark theatre room with a huge crowd in front of us and behind us. When we got to the end of the hallway, I affectionately call the red-carpet, we looked up at the stadium seating and to our amazement it was packed full. So we grabbed a few seats near the front row, you know, the ones where you can pretty much guarantee a chiropractor visit afterward from having to awkwardly look straight up at the screen for two hours, yeah, those seats. But let me tell you, the minute I sat down in my chair I got goose bumps and I felt the presence of God and I did.not.care. where I was sitting. I knew I was a part of something great. There was no questioning that He was present and ready to move in the lives of the people sitting in that room. I prayed a whole lot. I prayed for the message of the gospel to penetrate hearts, I prayed for eyes to see the Savior in a new way or maybe for the first time, I prayed for hardened hearts to soften, I prayed for my own heart to be renewed and for the Spirit to fall fresh on each believer in that room.
I believe He did. In fact, I know He did. He was at work and it was not kept secret.
We watched in amazement at the previews of some up-coming movies such as Noah and Heaven is for Real. With giddy spirits my little sister and I agreed to be at opening weekend for each of those movies in effort to support and encourage the making of Christian based movies in Hollywood.
The movie began. I couldn't help but marvel with my tear-stained cheeks every time the Word of God was quoted from the lips of the actors. Which was alot. I sat there praising God for moving mountains to have His Holy Word spoken on the big screen. There were moments when I could hardly breathe while looking around the room watching the reactions of these precious strangers as they saw the gospel acted out and heard the living words of God spoken over them. It was powerful. It was amazing. It was God at work.
I've read quite a few strong opinions from the 'Christian world' of blogging and such. The most prevalent argument? That the gospel was not presented 100% accurately and that it is questionable whether the movie directors (Roma Downey and Mark Burnett) are Christians with a sound theology and true love for Jesus. I don't know where Roma and her husband Mark stand with the Lord but I do agree 100% that there were some gospel accounts presented incorrectly. I'm not denying that. I saw it. I also want to say that my mantra is and always will be be that we do not need to add, take away or change the Bible to make it anything more or less than it is. It is relevant and it is powerful and it is truth. We are not to alter it ever to make things more comfortable or more presentable to anyone. Period.
However, I also strongly believe that when the Word of God is spoken through the huge platform of a big Hollywood movie, God does deep, earth moving work among us. He is bigger than the small false interpretations displayed in this movie. We don't need to fight for God. We need to fight with Him. For His people. We need to love with Him. For His people. We need to stop focusing on our holier-than thou, critical, judgmental arguments and start supporting the production of Hollywood movies that share the message of the gospel. There are hurting people that can and will be reached by this ministry field. Let's quite throwing stones at the workers in the field and start praying for the harvest.
If you want to make a difference friends, lets stop wasting our time debating about the small stuff and start loving the people around us and supporting the efforts made to reach them with truth. Truth that will set them free. Truth that breaks every chain. As much as some like to think that highly intellectual theological debates are the only way to win someone to Christ, it will always be the truth penetrating their hearts that moves them to offer their lives at the foot of the cross. We should be spending our time loving people, not criticizing the movements made to draw people to Christ. We can't forget that the lost, hurting people we are trying to reach are watching us. They are watching us debate over this movie and we could be the very ones that are driving them away from Jesus. How attractive is it to see the body of Christ arguing and using harsh language to tear down someone that hasn't done it all right? Now let me ask you, how attractive is it to see the body of Christ displaying love and grace? God says they will know us by our love. He didn't say make sure every movie producer gets it 100% right every time or I can't work in anyone's heart. I'm pretty sure He wants us to be more concerned about loving people to eternity with Him than sitting around crucifying people for not being sinless. After all, He died for their sin too. Right? Right.
If you are concerned for Roma and Mark's faith, pray for them. They will not be drawn to a deeper life with Jesus by hurtful words and critical hearts. They will however be greatly blessed by prayers earnestly offered on their behalf.
Maybe, just maybe, instead of sitting on the sidelines critiquing movies like this one, we should be inviting the hurting, lost souls around us to go sit in the front row and experience truth spoken over them from the big screen. It may start conversation that leads to the seed being sown by the Spirit.
I fully believe that even through a movie that is not 100% accurate on all Biblical accounts, people are coming to know Jesus. I think that's worth celebrating.
Because He is Risen,
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