I've been feeling stuck lately. I've written, deleted and re-written the same blog post on the same topic like a million times the past couple weeks. The right words just won't come. My thoughts aren't making their way through my fingers and onto the pages of this screen.
And it's really frustrating.
Maybe I shouldn't blog. Maybe I don't have anything to say-not really, not important stuff. Nobody reads it-nobody cares. What if it's a waste of precious energy and time. What if blogging really is for the well spoken, large vocabulary, book writing kind of people. You know, the people who have half a million followers on facebook and twitter and instagram and any other legal way of 'stocking' people. That kind of person has great things to say. Me? Well, I'm just small and my writing isn't that good.
But you know what? It's that very paragraph (^) that confirms I need to be writing. It's those words of self doubt and self pity and feeling insignificant and less than that humbles me and reminds me that if I do write, it needs to matter. Not because I have people following me or wanting to read my words but because God has words to say through each of us. Every working dad, single mom, full-time ministry family, truck driver, nurse, engineer, teacher, stay at home mom, friend, loner, homeless, wealthy, aunt, distant cousin, drug addict, motivational speaker, depressed soul and whoever you can think of in your lovely, brilliant mind-that's who He speaks through.
So, I will keep writing. And when I'm stuck, I'll just keep typing, deleting and re-typing until something makes sense. Until I hear God say, "Hey, that's it girl. Go get it!". Because "go get it" doesn't mean conquer the world like a super hero. Sometimes it's just writing some words on a page that maybe somebody, one-body, connects with.
Are you stuck? Is there something you want to do but feel insignificant? I get it. I'm with you.
Let's journey forward together friend.
p.s. Ann Voskamp has a great post on her blog today. Check it out! http://www.aholyexperience.com/
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